Apply the given settings to all panels in the visualizer
settings for all panels
Get the dataset used to create the current visualization
If the dataset is using user-specified structures and a loading callback DefaultConfig.loadStructure; you can request all structure to be fully resolved and placed inside the dataset.
should all UserStructure resolved and placed inside the dataset?
the dataset currently visualized
Add the given callback
to be called whenever a setting changes. The
callback will be given the path to the settings as a list of keys; and
the new value of the setting.
There is currently no way to remove a callback.
Get the current values of settings for all panels in the visualizer
the viewers settings, suitable to be used with applySettings
loadLoad a dataset and create a visualizer.
This function returns a Promise<DefaultVisualizer>
to prevent blocking
the browser while everything is loading.
configuration of the visualizer
visualizer input, containing a dataset and optional visualization settings
Promise that resolves to a DefaultVisualizer
The default visualization state of chemiscope: three panels (map, structure, info) updating one another when the user interact with any of them.