Create a new EnvironmentIndexer for the given set of structures and environments.
structures used in the current dataset
environments: Environment[]environments used in the current dataset
Get a full set of indexes from the global environment index
global index of an environment
display target, either structure or atom
full Indexes, containing the corresponding structure / atom indexes
Finds the first atom in the given structure that has associated data
index of the structure to search the corresponding Indexes
display target (atom or structure)
Get a full set of indexes from the structure/atom indexes
display target, either atom or structure
index of the structure in the full structure list
atom: numberindex of the atom in the structure
an Indexes instance, containing the global environment index;
or undefined
if there is no environment corresponding to the
given atom in the given structure
EnvironmentIndexer links environment index and structure/atom indexes
Environments can be either full structures or centered on a specific atom. This class makes the link between two representations: a single, global, environment index, used by the map; and the structure/atom pair, used by the structure viewer and the general information panel.