Go to the end to download the full example code.
Exploring dataset with chemiscope¶
The chemiscope.explore()
function provides a streamlined way to visualize
datasets by automatically computing representation and using dimensionality reduction.
This function simplifies the process of dataset exploration by offering a quick overview
through computed properties and dimensionality reduction, allowing to rapidly gain
insights into the composition and structure of data without need to manually implement
and fine-tune the representation process.
This is particularly useful when the specific choice of hyperparameters does not
significantly impact the resulting 2D map. By passing a list of ase.Atoms objects (or similar structures from
other libraries) to chemiscope.explore()
, it is possible to generate a
chemiscope widget, providing an immediate and intuitive visualization of the dataset.
Additionally, chemiscope.explore()
allows to provide a custom function for
representation and dimensionality reduction, offering flexibility for more advanced
To use this function, some additional dependencies are required. You can install them with the following command:
pip install chemiscope[explore]
In this example, we will explore several use cases, starting from basic applications to more customized scenarios.
First, let’s import the necessary packages that will be used throughout the examples.
import os
import requests
import chemiscope
def fetch_dataset(filename, base_url=""):
"""Helper function to load the pre-computed examples"""
local_path = "data/" + filename
if not os.path.isfile(local_path):
response = requests.get(base_url + filename)
with open(local_path, "wb") as file:
Basic example¶
This example shows the basic usage of the chemiscope.explore()
. At first,
read or load the structures from the dataset. Here we use an ASE package to read the structures from the file and have the
frames as the ase.Atoms objects.
frames ="data/", ":")
Provide the frames to the chemiscope.explore()
. It will generate a Chemiscope
interactive widget with the reduced dimensionality of data.
In this basic case, no featurizer function is provided, so
uses a default method that applies
SOAP (Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions) to
compute atomic structure descriptors and then performs PCA (Principal Component
for dimensionality reduction. The resulting components are then added to the
properties to be used in visualization.
Besides this, it is possible to run the dimentionality reduction algorithm and display
specific atom-centered environments. They can be manually defined by specifying a list
of tuples in the format (structure_index, atom_index, cutoff)
, as shown in
this example. Alternatively, the environments can be extracted from the frames using
the function all_atomic_environments()
We also demonstrate a way to provide properties for visualization. The frames and
properties related to the indexes in the environments
will be extracted.
properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(frames, only=["energy"])
environments = [(0, 0, 3.5), (1, 0, 3.5), (2, 1, 3.5)]
chemiscope.explore(frames, environments=environments, properties=properties)
Example with custom featurizer and custom properties¶
This part illustrates how to create a custom function for dimensionality reduction
as an argument (featurize
) to chemiscope.explore()
. Inside this function,
we perform descriptor calculation using SOAP and
then reduce the dimensionality with Kernel PCA.
First, let’s import the necessary packages.
from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP # noqa
from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA # noqa
Define the function soap_kpca_featurize
which takes two arguments
, which contains the structures provided to
and internally passed to the featurize
, optional aurgument with the atom-centered environments,
if they were provided to the chemiscope.explore()
def soap_kpca_featurize(frames, environments):
if environments is not None:
raise ValueError("'environments' are not supported by this featurizer")
# Initialise soap calculator. The detailed explanation of the provided
# hyperparameters can be checked in the documentation of the library (``dscribe``).
soap = SOAP(
# the dataset used in the example contains only carbon
weighting={"function": "pow", "c": 1, "m": 5, "d": 1, "r0": 3.5},
# Compute features
descriptors = soap.create(frames)
# Apply KPCA
transformer = KernelPCA(n_components=2, gamma=0.05)
# Return a 2D array of reduced features
return transformer.fit_transform(descriptors)
Provide the created function to chemiscope.explore()
cs = chemiscope.explore(frames, featurize=soap_kpca_featurize)
We can also provide the additional properties inside, for example, let’s extract
energy from the frames using chemiscope.extract_properties()
properties = chemiscope.extract_properties(frames, only=["energy"])
cs = chemiscope.explore(frames, featurize=soap_kpca_featurize, properties=properties)
Note: It is possible to add parallelization when computing the SOAP descriptors and
performing dimensionality reduction with KernelPCA by providing the n_jobs
parameter. This allows the computation to utilize multiple CPU cores for faster
processing. An example of how to include n_jobs
is shown below on this page.
To showcase the results of the soap_kpca
function, we have pre-computed it for
the 6k structures from the C-GAP-20U dataset:
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.374 seconds)